Controlled synthesis and Raman study of a 2D antiferromagnetic P-type semiconductor: $α$-MnSe

Author: Ningning Li; Leilei Zhu; Honghui Shang; Feng Wang; Yu Zhang; Yuyu Yao; Junjun Wang; Xueying Zhan; Fengmei Wang; Jun He; Zhenxing Wang

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 abstract = {Two-dimensional (2D) non-van der Waals magnetic materials have attracted considerable attention due to their high-temperature ferromagnetism, active surface/interface properties originating from dangling bonds, and good stability under ambient conditions. Here, we demonstrate the controlled synthesis and systematic Raman investigation of ultrathin non-van der Waals antiferromagnetic $α$-MnSe single crystals. Square and triangular nanosheets with different growth orientations can be achieved by introducing different precursors via the atmospheric chemical vapor deposition (APCVD) method. The temperature-dependent resonant enhancement in the Raman intensity of two peaks at 233.8 cm-1 and 459.9 cm-1 gives obvious evidence that the antiferromagnetic spin-ordering is below TN ∼ 160 K. Besides, a new peak located at 254.2 cm-1, gradually appearing as the temperature decreased from 180 K to 100 K, may also be a signature of phase transition from paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic. The phonon dispersion spectra of $α$-MnSe simulated by density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) match well with the observed Raman signals. Moreover, a fabricated $α$-MnSe phototransistor exhibits p-type conducting behavior and high photodetection performance. We believe that these findings will be beneficial for the applications of 2D $α$-MnSe in magnetic and semiconducting fields.},
 author = {Li, Ningning and Zhu, Leilei and Shang, Honghui and Wang, Feng and Zhang, Yu and Yao, Yuyu and Wang, Junjun and Zhan, Xueying and Wang, Fengmei and He, Jun and Wang, Zhenxing},
 doi = {10.1039/d1nr00822f},
 file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/shanghui/work/shanghui_latex/my_publication/2021_Li_Zhu_Shang_Nanoscale.pdf:pdf},
 issn = {20403372},
 journal = {Nanoscale},
 number = {14},
 pages = {6953--6964},
 pmid = {33885497},
 publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry},
 title = {Controlled synthesis and Raman study of a 2D antiferromagnetic P-type semiconductor: $α$-MnSe},
 volume = {13},
 year = {2021}