Linear scaling electronic structure calculations with numerical atomic basis set

Author: Honghui Shang; Hongjun Xiang; Zhenyu Li; Jinlong Yang

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 abstract = {We discuss in this review recent progress, especially by our group,$\backslash$non linear scaling algorithms for electronic structure calculations$\backslash$nwith numerical atomic basis sets. The principles of the construction$\backslash$nof numerical basis sets and the Hamiltonian are introduced first.$\backslash$nThen we discuss how to solve the single-electron equation self-consistently,$\backslash$nand how to obtain electronic properties via post-self-consistent-field$\backslash$nprocesses in a linear scaling way. The linear response calculation$\backslash$nwith linear scaling is also introduced. Numerical implementation$\backslash$nis emphasized, with some applications presented for demonstration$\backslash$npurposes.},
 author = {Shang, Honghui and Xiang, Hongjun and Li, Zhenyu and Yang, Jinlong},
 doi = {10.1080/0144235X.2010.520454},
 file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/shanghui/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Shang et al. - 2010 - Linear scaling electronic structure calculations with numerical atomic basis set.pdf:pdf},
 isbn = {0144-235X},
 issn = {0144-235X},
 journal = {International Reviews in Physical Chemistry},
 month = {oct},
 number = {4},
 pages = {665--691},
 title = {Linear scaling electronic structure calculations with numerical atomic basis set},
 url = {},
 volume = {29},
 year = {2010}